Actualizado Reviewed

Drug-Drug Interactions

Table 24b. Drug Interactions Between Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors and Other Drugs

This table provides information on the known or predicted interactions between non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) and non-antiretroviral drugs. Cabotegravir (CAB) intramuscular (IM) plus rilpivirine (RPV) IM are co-packaged into a single product and are coadministered as a complete regimen; therefore, the dosing recommendations and clinical comments reflect the combination of CAB IM and RPV IM treatments. Drug interaction studies were not conducted with either CAB IM or RPV IM. Drug interaction studies with oral CAB and RPV were leveraged to make the dosing recommendations for CAB IM and RPV IM. For information regarding interactions between NNRTIs and other antiretroviral (ARV) drugs, including dosing recommendations, refer to Tables 24c, 24e, 24f, 25a, and 25b.

Recommendations for managing a particular drug interaction may differ, depending on whether a new ARV drug is being initiated in a patient on a stable concomitant medication or if a new concomitant medication is being initiated in a patient on a stable ARV regimen. The magnitude and significance of drug interactions are difficult to predict when several drugs with competing metabolic pathways are prescribed concomitantly. When an interacting drug needs to be replaced with an alternative, providers should exercise their clinical judgment to select the most appropriate alternative medication.

Oral doses of RPV at 75 mg and 300 mg once daily (equivalent to 3 and 12 times the recommended dose) were associated with prolonged QTc (or QT corrected for heart rate) interval. Known and expected/theoretical pharmacokinetic interactions, resulting in increased RPV exposures, are included in this table due to the safety concern of QTc prolongation. There is limited information about the potential for pharmacodynamic interactions between RPV (in the absence of increased RPV exposures) and drugs that prolong the QTc interval; therefore, these are not included in this table.

Nevirapine (NVP) is no longer commonly used in clinical practice in the United States and is not included in this table. Please refer to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration product labels for information regarding drug interactions between NVP and concomitant medications. Information may also be found in archived versions of this guideline.

Concomitant DrugNNRTIEffect on NNRTI and/or Concomitant Drug ConcentrationsDosing Recommendations and Clinical Comments
Acid Reducers
AntacidsDOR, EFV↔ NNRTI AUCNo dose adjustment needed
ETR↔ ETR expectedNo dose adjustment needed
RPV IM↔ RPV expectedNo dose adjustment needed
RPV PO↓ RPV expected when given simultaneouslyGive antacids at least 2 hours before or at least 4 hours after RPV.
H2 Receptor AntagonistsDOR↔ DOR expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↔ EFV AUCNo dose adjustment needed
ETR↔ ETR AUCNo dose adjustment needed
RPV IM↔ RPV expectedNo dose adjustment needed
RPV PORPV AUC ↓ 76% when famotidine 40 mg is taken 2 hours priorGive H2 receptor antagonists at least 12 hours before or at least 4 hours after RPV.
Proton Pump InhibitorsDOR↔ DOR AUC and CminNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↔ EFV expected

With Omeprazole 40 mg Daily

  • ETR AUC ↑ 41%
RPV IM↔ RPV expectedNo dose adjustment needed

With Omeprazole 20 mg Daily

  • RPV AUC ↓ 40% to 65% and Cmin ↓ 33%
Alpha-Adrenergic Antagonists for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Alfuzosin, Doxazosin, Silodosin, TerazosinDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ alpha-adrenergic antagonists expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ alpha-adrenergic antagonists expectedConsider alternative ARV or alpha-antagonist therapy. If coadministration is necessary, monitor for therapeutic effectiveness of alpha antagonist.
TamsulosinDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ tamsulosin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ tamsulosin expectedMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of tamsulosin after 2–4 weeks. May need to increase dose to tamsulosin 0.8 mg once daily for patients who fail to respond to the 0.4-mg dose.
BedaquilineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ bedaquiline expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ bedaquiline possibleDo not coadminister.
RifabutinDORDOR AUC ↓ 50%Increase DOR dose to 100 mg twice daily. No dose adjustment is needed for rifabutin.
EFVRifabutin ↓ 38%Increase rifabutin dose to 450–600 mg per day.

↔ rifabutin and metabolite AUC

ETR AUC ↓ 37%

Do not coadminister ETR plus PI/r with rifabutin.

Use rifabutin 300 mg once daily if ETR is administered without PI/r.

RPV IM↓ RPV expectedContraindicated

Rifabutin Plus RPV 50 mg PO Once Daily Compared to RPV 25 mg Once Daily Alone

  • ↔ RPV AUC and Cmin
Increase RPV dose to 50 mg PO once daily during coadministration. No dose adjustment for rifabutin is needed.
RifampinDORDOR AUC ↓ 88%Contraindicated. After stopping rifampin, wait 4 weeks before initiating DOR.
EFVEFV AUC ↓ 26%Do not use EFV 400 mg with rifampin. Maintain EFV dose at 600 mg once daily and monitor for virologic response.
ETRSignificant ↓ ETR possibleDo not coadminister.
RPV IM↓ RPV possibleContraindicated
RPV PORPV AUC ↓ 80%Contraindicated

Once-Weekly Rifapentine Plus Isoniazid and DOR 100 mg Twice Daily Compared to DOR 100 mg Twice Daily Alone

  • DOR AUC ↓ 29%, Cmin ↓ 31%
Contraindicated. After stopping rifapentine, wait 4 weeks before initiating DOR.

Daily Rifapentine (Max 600 mg) With EFV

  • ↔ EFV

Weekly Rifapentine (Max 900 mg) With EFV

  • ↔ EFV
No dose adjustment needed
ETR↓ ETR possibleDo not coadminister.
RPV IM, RPV PO↓ RPV possibleContraindicated
AzithromycinDOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ azithromycin expectedNo dose adjustment needed

↔ clarithromycin expected

↑ DOR possible

Monitor for ARV tolerability if used in combination.
EFVClarithromycin AUC ↓ 39%Monitor for effectiveness, or consider alternative agent (e.g., azithromycin) for MAC prophylaxis and treatment.

Clarithromycin AUC ↓ 39%

ETR AUC ↑ 42%

Consider alternative macrolide (e.g., azithromycin) for MAC prophylaxis and treatment.

↔ clarithromycin expected

↑ RPV possible

Consider alternative macrolide (e.g., azithromycin) for MAC prophylaxis and treatment. If coadministered, monitor for QTc prolongation.
ErythromycinDOR↑ DOR possibleMonitor for ARV tolerability if used in combination.

↑ EFV and ETR possible

↓ erythromycin possible

Monitor for ARV tolerability and antibiotic efficacy if used in combination.
RPV IM, RPV PO↑ RPV possibleConsider alternative macrolide (e.g., azithromycin). If coadministered, monitor for QTc prolongation.
ApixabanDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ apixaban expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ apixaban possibleConsider alternative ARV or anticoagulant therapy.
Dabigatran, EdoxabanDOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ DOAC expectedNo dose adjustment needed
RivaroxabanDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ rivaroxaban expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ rivaroxaban possibleConsider alternative ARV or anticoagulant therapy.
WarfarinDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ warfarin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↑ or ↓ warfarin possibleMonitor INR and adjust warfarin dose accordingly.
Carbamazepine, Phenobarbital, Phenytoin, PrimidoneDOR↓ DOR possibleContraindicated. After stopping antiseizure medication, wait 4 weeks before initiating DOR.

Carbamazepine Plus EFV

  • Carbamazepine AUC ↓ 27%
  • EFV AUC ↓ 36%

Phenytoin Plus EFV

  • ↓ EFV
  • ↑ or ↓ phenytoin possible

Phenobarbital or Primidone Plus EFV

  • ↓ EFV and antiseizure agent possible
Consider alternative ARV or antiseizure medication. If coadministration is necessary, monitor antiseizure drug and EFV concentrations.
ETR↓ antiseizure agent and ETR possibleDo not coadminister.
RPV IM, RPV PO↓ RPV possibleContraindicated
EslicarbazepineDOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↓ NNRTI possibleConsider alternative ARV or antiseizure medication. If coadministration is necessary, monitor virologic response and consider monitoring plasma concentrations of ARVs.
OxcarbazepineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↓ NNRTI possibleContraindicated
EFV, ETR↓ NNRTI possibleConsider alternative ARV or antiseizure medication. If coadministration is necessary, monitor virologic response and consider monitoring plasma concentrations of ARVs.
Ethosuximide, Lacosamide, Tiagabine, ZonisamideDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antiseizure agent expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ antiseizure agent possibleMonitor seizure control. Consider anticonvulsant therapeutic drug monitoring.
LamotrigineDOR, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ lamotrigine expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↓ lamotrigine possibleMonitor seizure control and plasma concentrations of lamotrigine.
Antidepressants, Anxiolytics, and Antipsychotics
Also see the Sedative/Hypnotics section below.
Antidepressants and Anxiolytics
BupropionDOR, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ bupropion expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFVBupropion AUC ↓ 55%Titrate bupropion dose based on clinical response.
Citalopram, EscitalopramDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antidepressant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ antidepressant possibleTitrate antidepressant dose based on clinical response.
DOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antidepressant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
DuloxetineDOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antidepressant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
Fluoxetine, FluvoxamineDOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antidepressant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
MirtazapineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ mirtazapine expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ mirtazapine possibleMonitor antidepressant effect. Titrate dose as necessary based on clinical response.
NefazodoneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↑ NNRTI possibleNo dose adjustment needed

↓ nefazodone expected

↑ NNRTI possible

Monitor antidepressant effect. Titrate dose as necessary based on clinical response.
ParoxetineDOR, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ paroxetine expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↔ EFV and paroxetineNo dose adjustment needed
SertralineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ sertraline expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFVSertraline AUC ↓ 39%Monitor the antidepressant effect. Titrate dose as necessary based on clinical response.
ETR↓ sertraline possible
TrazodoneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ trazodone expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ trazodone possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of trazodone and titrate dose as necessary.
Tricyclic Antidepressants
(e.g., amitriptyline, doxepin, nortriptyline)
DOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antidepressant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
AripiprazoleDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ aripiprazole expected

No dose adjustment needed


EFV, ETR↓ aripiprazole expectedMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of antipsychotic. Consider doubling usual dose of aripiprazole over 1–2 weeks. Refer to aripiprazole prescribing information for dose recommendations.
BrexpiprazoleDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ brexpiprazole expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ brexpiprazole expectedMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of antipsychotic. Consider doubling the usual dose of brexpiprazole and making further adjustments based on clinical response. Refer to brexpiprazole prescribing information.
CariprazineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ cariprazine expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ cariprazine and ↑ or ↓ active metabolite possibleDo not coadminister.
IloperidoneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antipsychotic expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ antipsychotic possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of antipsychotic.
LumateperoneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antipsychotic expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ antipsychotic possibleDo not coadminister.
LurasidoneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antipsychotic expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ antipsychotic possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of antipsychotic.
Olanzapine, Olanzapine/SamidorphanDOR, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ olanzapine expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↓ olanzapine possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of olanzapine.

Other Antipsychotics

CYP3A4 Substrates
(e.g., clozapine, haloperidol, perphenazine, risperidone, thioridazine)

DOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antipsychotic expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ antipsychotic possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of antipsychotic.
PimavanserinDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ pimavanserin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ pimavanserin expectedDo not coadminister.
PimozideDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ pimozide expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ pimozide possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of pimozide.
QuetiapineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antipsychotic expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ antipsychotic possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of antipsychotic.
ZiprasidoneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antipsychotic expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ antipsychotic possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of antipsychotic.
FluconazoleDOR↑ DOR possibleNo dose adjustment needed

↔ fluconazole expected


No dose adjustment needed
ETRETR AUC ↑ 86%No dose adjustment needed
RPV IM, RPV PO↑ RPV possibleNo dose adjustment needed. If coadministered, consider monitoring for QTc prolongation.
IbrexafungerpDOR, RPV PO↑ NNRTI possibleNo dose adjustment needed

↓ ibrexafungerp expected 

↑ NNRTI possible

Do not coadminister.

↔ ibrexafungerp expected

↔ RPV IM expected

No dose adjustment needed
IsavuconazoleDOR↑ DOR possibleNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ isavuconazole possibleMonitor isavuconazole concentration and antifungal response. Dose adjustments for isavuconazole may be necessary.
RPV IM, RPV PO↑ RPV possibleNo dose adjustment needed. If coadministered, consider monitoring for QTc prolongation.
ItraconazoleDOR↑ DOR possibleNo dose adjustment needed

EFV With Itraconazole Solution

  • Itraconazole and OH-itraconazole AUC, Cmax, and Cmin ↓ 37% to 44%

EFV With Itraconazole Capspsules

  • Itraconazole AUC ↓ 86% and OH-itraconazole AUC 84%
Do not coadminister unless potential benefits outweigh the risks. Failure to achieve therapeutic itraconazole concentrations has been reported. If coadministration is necessary, closely monitor itraconazole concentration and adjust dose accordingly.

↓ itraconazole possible

↑ ETR possible

Dose adjustments for itraconazole may be necessary. Monitor itraconazole concentration and antifungal response.
RPV IM, RPV PO↑ RPV possibleNo dose adjustment needed. If coadministered, consider monitoring for QTc prolongation.
PosaconazoleDOR, ETR↑ NNRTI possibleNo dose adjustment needed

Posaconazole AUC ↓ 50%


Do not coadminister unless potential benefits outweigh the risks. If coadministration is necessary, monitor posaconazole concentration and adjust dose accordingly.
RPV IM, RPV PO↑ RPV possibleNo dose adjustment needed. If coadministered, consider monitoring for QTc prolongation.
VoriconazoleDOR↑ DOR possibleNo dose adjustment needed

Voriconazole AUC ↓ 77%

EFV AUC ↑ 44%

Contraindicated at standard doses

Adjust dose to voriconazole 400 mg twice daily plus EFV 300 mg daily.


↔ voriconazole AUC

ETR AUC ↑ 36%

No dose adjustment needed
RPV IM, RPV PO↑ RPV possibleNo dose adjustment needed. If coadministered, consider monitoring for QTc prolongation.
Artemether/LumefantrineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antimalarial expectedNo dose adjustment needed

Artemether AUC ↓ 79%

DHA AUC ↓ 75%

Lumefantrine AUC ↓ 30% to 56%

Consider alternative ARV or antimalarial drug. If used in combination, monitor closely for antimalarial efficacy.

Artemether AUC ↓ 38%


↔ lumefantrine AUC


Clinical significance of the reduced antimalarial drug concentrations is unknown. If used in combination with ETR, monitor for antimalarial efficacy.
Atovaquone/ProguanilDOR, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PONo dataMonitor for antimalarial efficacy.

Atovaquone AUC ↓ 75%

Proguanil AUC ↓ 43%

No dose recommendation. Consider alternative drug for malaria prophylaxis, if possible.
Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP) Receptor Antagonists
AtogepantDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ atogepant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ atogepant possible

Episodic migraine: Increase atogepant dose to 30–60 mg once daily.

Chronic migraine: Do not coadminister.

RimegepantDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ rimegepant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ rimegepant possibleConsider alternative ARV or migraine medication. 
UbrogepantDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ ubrogepant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ ubrogepant expectedUse initial dose of 100 mg, followed by second dose of 100 mg if needed.
ZavegepantDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ zavegepant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ zavegepant possible
Serotonin 5-HT1B, 1D Receptor Agonists
Almotriptan, EletriptanDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ almotriptan expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ almotriptan possible
Frovatriptan, Naratripan, Rizatriptan, Sumatriptan, ZolmitriptanDOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ migraine medication expectedNo dose adjustment needed
ClopidogrelDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ clopidogrel expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ activation of clopidogrel possibleConsider alternative ARV or antiplatelet. ETR may prevent metabolism of clopidogrel to its active metabolite.
PrasugrelAll NNRTIs↔ prasugrel expectedNo dose adjustment needed
TicagrelorDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ ticagrelor expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ ticagrelor expectedConsider alternative ARV or anticoagulant therapy.
VorapaxarDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ vorapaxar expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ vorapaxar expectedInsufficient data to make a dose recommendation.
Antipneumocystis and Antitoxoplasmosis
Atovaquone (oral solution)DOR, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PONo dataMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of atovaquone.
EFVAtovaquone AUC ↓ 44% to 47%Consider alternative ARV or agent for PCP or toxoplasmosis treatment or prophylaxis. If coadministration is necessary, monitor for therapeutic effectiveness of atovaquone.
Antivirals—Hepatitis C

↔ elbasvir and grazoprevir

DOR AUC ↑ 56% and Cmin ↑ 41%

No dose adjustment needed

Elbasvir AUC ↓ 54%

Grazoprevir AUC ↓ 83%


ETR↓ elbasvir and grazoprevir expectedDo not coadminister

↔ elbasvir and grazoprevir expected

↔ RPV expected

No dose adjustment needed

↔ elbasvir and grazoprevir

↔ RPV AUC and Cmin

No dose adjustment needed
Glecaprevir/PibrentasvirDOR↑ DOR expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↓ glecaprevir and pibrentasvir expectedDo not coadminister.
ETR↓ glecaprevir and pibrentasvir possibleDo not coadminister.

↔ glecaprevir and pibrentasvir expected

↑ RPV expected

No dose adjustment needed

↔ glecaprevir and pibrentasvir

RPV AUC ↑ 84%

No dose adjustment needed

↔ ledipasvir and sofosbuvir


No dose adjustment needed

Ledipasvir AUC, Cmin, and Cmax ↓ 34%

↔ sofosbuvir

ETRNo significant effect expected
RPV IM↔ ledipasvir, sofosbuvir, and RPV expected

↔ ledipasvir and sofosbuvir


Sofosbuvir/VelpatasvirDOR, RPV IM, RPV PONo significant effect expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFVVelpatasvir AUC ↓ 43%, Cmax ↓ 37%, and Cmin ↓ 47%Do not coadminister.
ETR↓ velpatasvir expectedDo not coadminister.
Sofosbuvir/‌Velpatasvir/‌VoxilaprevirDOR, RPV IM, RPV PONo significant effect expectedNo dose adjustment needed.

Velpatasvir AUC ↓ 43%, Cmax ↓ 37%, and Cmin ↓47%

↓ voxilaprevir expected

Do not coadminister.

↓ voxilaprevir expected

↓ velpatasvir expected

Do not coadminister.
Antivirals—Miscellaneous (e.g., for CMV, Mpox)
BrincidofovirAll NNRTIs↔ brincidofovir expectedNo dose adjustment needed
CidofovirAll NNRTIs↔ cidofovir expectedNo dose adjustment needed
MaribavirDOR RPV IM, RPV PO↔ maribavir expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ maribavir possible
TecovirimatDOR, RPV PO↓ DOR or RPV expected but not likely to be clinically relevantNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↔ EFV or ETR expectedNo dose adjustment needed
RPV IM↓ RPV expected but not likely to be clinically relevant

No dose adjustment needed. If there is a concern for suboptimal RPV exposure, seek expert consultation.

Do not initiate CAB/RPV IM during or within 2 weeks after tecovirimat treatment. (Refer to Table 24d for interaction with CAB.)

MolnupiravirAll NNRTIs↔ expectedNo dose adjustment needed
RemdesivirAll NNRTIs↔ expectedNo dose adjustment needed
Ritonavir-Boosted NirmatrelvirDOR

With Ritonavir 100 mg Twice Daily

  • DOR AUC ↑ 254%
No dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR, RPV PO, RPV IM↔ expectedNo dose adjustment needed
Cardiac Medications
Atenolol, Metoprolol, NebivololDOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ beta-blocker expectedNo dose adjustment needed
Bisoprolol, CarvedilolDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ beta-blocker expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ beta-blocker possibleNo dose adjustment needed. Monitor blood pressure and heart rate and titrate to clinical effect.
LabetalolDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ beta-blocker expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↑ beta-blocker possibleNo dose adjustment needed. Monitor blood pressure and heart rate and adjust dose to achieve desired clinical effect.
Calcium Channel Blockers

Dihydropyridine Calcium Channel Blockers

(e.g., amlodipine, nifedipine)

DOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ CCBs expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ CCBs possibleTitrate CCB dose based on clinical response.

Non-Dihydropyridine Calcium Channel Blockers

(e.g., diltiazem, verapamil)


↔ CCBs expected

↑ NNRTI possible

No dose adjustment needed

Diltiazem AUC ↓ 69%

↓ verapamil possible

Titrate diltiazem or verapamil dose based on clinical response.
ETR↓ diltiazem or verapamil possible
BosentanDOR↓ DOR possibleConsider alternative ARV or alternative to bosentan. If coadministration is necessary, monitor virologic response.

↓ NNRTI possible 

↓ bosentan possible 

Consider alternative ARV or alternative to bosentan. If coadministration is necessary, monitor bosentan efficacy and virologic response.
RPV IM, RPV PO↓ RPV possibleConsider alternative ARV or alternative to bosentan. If coadministration is necessary, monitor virologic response.
EplerenoneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ eplerenone expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ eplerenone possibleTitrate eplerenone dose based on clinical response.
IvabradineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ ivabradine expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ ivabradine expectedContraindicated
MavacamtenDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO

↔ mavacamten expected

↓ NNRTI possible

Consider alternative ARV or alternative to mavacamten. If coadministration is necessary, monitor virologic response.

↓ mavacamten expected

↓ NNRTI possible

RanolazineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ ranolazine expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ ranolazine expectedContraindicated
DOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ corticosteroid expectedNo dose adjustment needed
Budesonide, Fluticasone, MometasoneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ corticosteroid expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ corticosteroid possibleMonitor corticosteroid efficacy and titrate as needed. May consider alternative corticosteroid for long-term use.
DexamethasoneDOR, EFV, ETR↓ NNRTI possibleConsider alternative corticosteroid for long-term use. If dexamethasone is used with NNRTI, monitor virologic response.
RPV IM, RPV POSignificant ↓ RPV possibleContraindicated with more than a single dose of dexamethasone.
Prednisone, PrednisoloneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ corticosteroid expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR,↓ corticosteroid possibleMonitor corticosteroid efficacy and titrate as needed. May consider alternative corticosteroid for long-term use.
Linagliptin, Sitagliptin DOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antihyperglycemic expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ antihyperglycemic possibleMonitor glycemic control.

↔ metformin AUC

DOR AUC ↓ 26% and Cmax ↓ 24%

No dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR, RPV IM↔ metformin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
RPV PO↔ metformin AUCNo dose adjustment needed

Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitors

(e.g., canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, empagliflozin)

DOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antihyperglycemic expectedNo dose adjustment needed
Herbal Products
St. John’s WortDOR↓ DOR expectedContraindicated. After stopping St. John’s Wort, wait 4 weeks before initiating DOR.
EFV, ETR↓ EFV or ETR expectedDo not coadminister.
RPV IM, RPV PO↓ RPV expectedContraindicated
Hormonal Therapies—Contraceptives

Injectable Contraceptives

Depot MPA

DOR, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ MPA expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↔ MPANo dose adjustment needed. Refer to Women With HIV section for people on EFV and RIF.

Oral Contraceptives

(e.g., desogestrel, drospirenone, ethinyl estradiol, levonorgestrel, norgestimate)


↔ ethinyl estradiol

↔ levonorgestrel

↔ drospirenone expected

No dose adjustment needed

↔ ethinyl estradiol

Etonogestrel (metabolite of oral desogestrel) Cmin ↓ 61%

Levonorgestrel (metabolite of oral norgestimate) AUC ↓ 83%

Norelgestromin (metabolite of oral norgestimate) AUC ↓ 64%

↓ drospirenone possible

When Used for Contraception

  • Use alternative ARV or contraceptive methods.

When Used for Other Clinical Indications (e.g., Acne, Menstrual Cycle Regulation)

Monitor for clinical effectiveness of hormonal therapy.


Ethinyl estradiol AUC ↑ 22%

↔ norethindrone

↓ drospirenone possible

No dose adjustment needed for regimens that do not contain drospirenone

For drospirenone-containing regimens used for contraception, use alternative ARV or alternative contraceptive method.

If using drospirenone for other clinical indications, monitor for clinical effectiveness of hormonal therapy.


↔ ethinyl estradiol expected

↔ norethindrone expected

↔ drospirenone expected

No dose adjustment needed

↔ ethinyl estradiol 

↔ norethindrone 

↔ drospirenone expected

No dose adjustment needed

Subdermal Implant Contraceptives

(e.g., etonogestrel, levonorgestrel)


↔ etonogestrel expected

↔ levonorgestrel expected

No dose adjustment needed

Etonogestrel AUC ↓ 63% to 82%

Levonorgestrel AUC ↓ 42% to 47%

Levonorgestrel 300 mg Implant With 600 mg EFV Compared to Levonorgestrel 150 mg Implant

•    Levonorgestrel AUC ↓ 34%

Use alternative ARV or contraceptive methods.

Unintended pregnancies were observed in women who used EFV and levonorgestrel implant concomitantly.


↓ etonogestrel possible

↓ levonorgestrel possible

Consider using alternative ARV or contraceptive method.

Transdermal Contraceptives

(e.g., ethinyl estradiol/norelgestromin, ethinyl estradiol/levonorgestrel) 

DOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ ethinyl estradiol or norelgestromin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↓ ethinyl estradiol or norelgestromin possibleConsider using alternative ARV or contraceptive method.
ETR↓ ethinyl estradiol or norelgestromin possibleConsider using alternative ARV or contraceptive method.

Vaginal Ring Contraceptives

(e.g., etonogestrel/ethinyl estradiol, segesterone/ethinyl estradiol) 


↔ etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol expected

↓ segesterone and ethinyl estradiol expected

No dose adjustment needed

Ethinyl estradiol (intravaginal ring) AUC ↓ 56%

Etonogestrel (intravaginal ring) AUC ↓ 81%

Use alternative ARV or contraceptive method.
↓ segesterone and ethinyl estradiol possibleConsider alternative ARV or contraceptive method.

↓ etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol possible

↓ segesterone and ethinyl estradiol possible

Consider alternative ARV or contraceptive method.

Emergency Contraceptives

Levonorgestrel (oral)

DOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ levonorgestrel expectedNo dose adjustment needed

Levonorgestrel 1.5 mg Plus 600 mg EFV 

  • Levonorgestrel AUC ↓ 58%

Levonorgestrel 3 mg Plus 600 mg EFV Compared to Levonorgestrel 1.5 mg Alone

  • ↔ levonorgestrel AUC
Increase dose of levonorgestrel to 3mg when used for emergency postcoital contraception. 
ETR↓ levonorgestrel possibleConsider alternative ARV or contraceptive method.
Hormonal Therapies—Gender Affirming and Menopause
EstradiolDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ estradiol expectedNo dose adjustment needed

Estradiol AUC ↓ 28%


Monitor feminizing effects of estrogen and therapy. Titrate dose as necessary to achieve therapeutic goals.
ETR↓ estradiol possible

5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors

(e.g., dutasteride, finasteride)

DOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ dutasteride and finasteride expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ dutasteride and finasteride possibleMonitor masculinizing effects of testosterone. Titrate testosterone dose as necessary to achieve therapeutic goals.
TestosteroneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ testosterone expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ testosterone possibleMonitor masculinizing effects of testosterone. Titrate testosterone dose as necessary to achieve therapeutic goals.
Other Gender-Affirming MedicationsDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ hormonal concentrations expectedNo dose adjustment needed

↓ cyproterone and progestogens possible

↔ goserelin, leuprolide acetate, and spironolactone expected 

Monitor feminizing effects of estrogen and antiandrogen therapy. Titrate dose as necessary to achieve therapeutic goals.

Menopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy

(e.g., conjugated estrogens, drospirenone, estradiol, medroxyprogesterone, progesterone)

DOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ hormonal concentrations expectedNo dose adjustment needed

↓ estrogen possible with estradiol or conjugated estrogen (equine and synthetic)

↓ medroxyprogesterone possible

↓ micronized progesterone possible

↓ drospirenone possible

See Contraceptives—Oral above for other progestin-NNRTI interactions

Monitor menopausal symptoms. Titrate to the dose of hormonal therapy that achieves menopausal symptom relief. 
CyclosporineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO

↔ cyclosporine expected

↑ NNRTI possible

No dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ cyclosporine possibleIncrease in immunosuppressant dose may be necessary. Therapeutic drug monitoring of immunosuppressant is recommended. Consult with specialist as necessary.
Everolimus, Sirolimus, TacrolimusDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ immunosuppressant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ immunosuppressant possibleIncrease in immunosuppressant dose may be necessary. Therapeutic drug monitoring of immunosuppressant is recommended. Consult with specialist as necessary.
AtorvastatinDOR↔ atorvastatin AUCNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETRAtorvastatin AUC ↓ 32% to 43%Adjust atorvastatin dose according to lipid response, but do not exceed the maximum recommended dose.
RPV IM↔ atorvastatin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
RPV PO↔ atorvastatin AUCNo dose adjustment needed
FluvastatinDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ fluvastatin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↑ fluvastatin possibleDose adjustments for fluvastatin may be necessary. Monitor for fluvastatin toxicity.
Lovastatin, SimvastatinDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ lovastatin and simvastatin expectedNo dose adjustment needed

Simvastatin AUC ↓ 60% to 68%

Simvastatin active metabolite AUC ↓ 60%

Adjust simvastatin dose according to lipid response, but do not exceed the maximum recommended dose.

↓ lovastatin possible

↓ simvastatin possible

Adjust lovastatin or simvastatin dose according to lipid response, but do not exceed the maximum recommended dose.
PitavastatinDOR, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ pitavastatin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↔ pitavastatin AUCNo dose adjustment needed
PravastatinDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ pravastatin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFVPravastatin AUC ↓ 44%Adjust statin dose according to lipid responses, but do not exceed the maximum recommended dose.
ETR↓ pravastatin possible
RosuvastatinDOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ rosuvastatin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
Narcotics and Treatment for Opioid Dependence


Sublingual or buccal

DOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ buprenorphine expectedNo dose adjustment needed

Buprenorphine AUC ↓ 50%

Norbuprenorphine (active metabolite) AUC ↓ 71%

No dose adjustment needed, monitor for withdrawal symptoms.
ETRBuprenorphine AUC ↓ 25%No dose adjustment needed
Buprenorphine ImplantDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ buprenorphine expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETRNo dataClinical monitoring is recommended when NNRTI is initiated after insertion of buprenorphine implant.
LofexidineDOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ lofexidine expectedNo dose adjustment needed

↔ methadone AUC

DOR AUC ↓ 26%

No dose adjustment needed
EFVMethadone AUC ↓ 52%Opioid withdrawal common; monitor and increase methadone dose as necessary.
ETR↔ methadone AUCNo dose adjustment needed
RPV IM↓ methadone AUC expectedNo dose adjustment needed; monitor for withdrawal symptoms.
RPV PO↔ R-methadonea AUCNo dose adjustment needed; monitor for withdrawal symptoms.
PDE5 Inhibitors
Avanafil, Tadalafil, VardenafilDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ PDE5 inhibitor expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ PDE5 inhibitor possibleMay need to titrate dose based on clinical effect.
SildenafilDOR↔ sildenafil expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↓ sildenafil possibleMay need to titrate sildenafil dose based on clinical effect.
ETRSildenafil AUC ↓ 57%May need to titrate sildenafil dose based on clinical effect.
RPV IM↔ sildenafil expectedNo dose adjustment needed
RPV PO↔ sildenafil AUC and CmaxNo dose adjustment needed
Alprazolam, TriazolamDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ alprazolam or triazolam expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ alprazolam or triazolam possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of benzodiazepine.
DiazepamDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ diazepam expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↓ diazepam possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of diazepam.
ETR↑ diazepam possibleDecreased dose of diazepam may be necessary. Monitor for diazepam toxicity.
LorazepamDOR, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ lorazepam expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↔ lorazepam AUCNo dose adjustment needed
MidazolamDOR↔ midazolam AUCNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↑ or ↓ midazolam possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness and toxicity of midazolam.

Midazolam AUC ↓ 31%

Midazolam active metabolite Cmax ↑ 57%

Monitor for therapeutic effectiveness of midazolam.
RPV IM, RPV PO↔ midazolam expectedNo dose adjustment needed
Orexin Receptor Antagonists
DaridorexantDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ daridorexant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFVDaridorexant AUC ↓ 61%Do not coadminister.
ETR↓ daridorexant possible
Lemborexant, SuvorexantDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ lemborexant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ lemborexant possibleDo not coadminister.
Other Sedatives
Eszopiclone, ZolpidemDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ eszopiclone or zolpidem expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ eszopiclone or zolpidem possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of sedative and titrate to clinical effect.
FinerenoneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ finerenone expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ finerenone expectedConsider alternative ARV or alternative to finerenone. If coadministration is necessary, monitor finerenone efficacy.
PraziquantelDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ praziquantel expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFVR-praziquantel and S-praziquantel AUC ↓ 74% to 75%Do not coadminister. If coadministration is necessary, consider alternative ARVs.
ETR↓ praziquantel possibleDo not coadminister. If coadministration is necessary, consider alternative ARVs.
a R-methadone is the active form of methadone.

Key to Symbols:
↑ = increase
↓ = decrease
↔ = less than 20% change in AUC

Key: ARV = antiretroviral; AUC = area under the curve; Cmax = maximum plasma concentration; Cmin = minimum plasma concentration; CAB = cabotegravir; CCB = calcium channel blocker; DAA = direct-acting antiviral; DHA = dihydroartemisinin; DOAC = direct oral anticoagulants; DOR = doravirine; EFV = efavirenz; ETR = etravirine; IM = intramuscular; INR = international normalized ratio; isoniazid = isonicotinic acid hydrazide; MAC = Mycobacterium avium complex; MPA = medroxyprogesterone acetate; CMV = cytomegalovirus; NNRTI = non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; OH-itraconazole = active metabolite of itraconazole; PCP = Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia; PDE5 = phosphodiesterase type 5; PI/r = protease inhibitor/ritonavir; PO = orally; QTc = QT corrected for heart rate; RPV = rilpivirine

Drug-Drug Interactions

Table 24b. Drug Interactions Between Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors and Other Drugs
Concomitant DrugNNRTIEffect on NNRTI and/or Concomitant Drug ConcentrationsDosing Recommendations and Clinical Comments
Acid Reducers
AntacidsDOR, EFV↔ NNRTI AUCNo dose adjustment needed
ETR↔ ETR expectedNo dose adjustment needed
RPV IM↔ RPV expectedNo dose adjustment needed
RPV PO↓ RPV expected when given simultaneouslyGive antacids at least 2 hours before or at least 4 hours after RPV.
H2 Receptor AntagonistsDOR↔ DOR expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↔ EFV AUCNo dose adjustment needed
ETR↔ ETR AUCNo dose adjustment needed
RPV IM↔ RPV expectedNo dose adjustment needed
RPV PORPV AUC ↓ 76% when famotidine 40 mg is taken 2 hours priorGive H2 receptor antagonists at least 12 hours before or at least 4 hours after RPV.
Proton Pump InhibitorsDOR↔ DOR AUC and CminNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↔ EFV expected

With Omeprazole 40 mg Daily

  • ETR AUC ↑ 41%
RPV IM↔ RPV expectedNo dose adjustment needed

With Omeprazole 20 mg Daily

  • RPV AUC ↓ 40% to 65% and Cmin ↓ 33%
Alpha-Adrenergic Antagonists for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Alfuzosin, Doxazosin, Silodosin, TerazosinDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ alpha-adrenergic antagonists expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ alpha-adrenergic antagonists expectedConsider alternative ARV or alpha-antagonist therapy. If coadministration is necessary, monitor for therapeutic effectiveness of alpha antagonist.
TamsulosinDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ tamsulosin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ tamsulosin expectedMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of tamsulosin after 2–4 weeks. May need to increase dose to tamsulosin 0.8 mg once daily for patients who fail to respond to the 0.4-mg dose.
BedaquilineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ bedaquiline expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ bedaquiline possibleDo not coadminister.
RifabutinDORDOR AUC ↓ 50%Increase DOR dose to 100 mg twice daily. No dose adjustment is needed for rifabutin.
EFVRifabutin ↓ 38%Increase rifabutin dose to 450–600 mg per day.

↔ rifabutin and metabolite AUC

ETR AUC ↓ 37%

Do not coadminister ETR plus PI/r with rifabutin.

Use rifabutin 300 mg once daily if ETR is administered without PI/r.

RPV IM↓ RPV expectedContraindicated

Rifabutin Plus RPV 50 mg PO Once Daily Compared to RPV 25 mg Once Daily Alone

  • ↔ RPV AUC and Cmin
Increase RPV dose to 50 mg PO once daily during coadministration. No dose adjustment for rifabutin is needed.
RifampinDORDOR AUC ↓ 88%Contraindicated. After stopping rifampin, wait 4 weeks before initiating DOR.
EFVEFV AUC ↓ 26%Do not use EFV 400 mg with rifampin. Maintain EFV dose at 600 mg once daily and monitor for virologic response.
ETRSignificant ↓ ETR possibleDo not coadminister.
RPV IM↓ RPV possibleContraindicated
RPV PORPV AUC ↓ 80%Contraindicated

Once-Weekly Rifapentine Plus Isoniazid and DOR 100 mg Twice Daily Compared to DOR 100 mg Twice Daily Alone

  • DOR AUC ↓ 29%, Cmin ↓ 31%
Contraindicated. After stopping rifapentine, wait 4 weeks before initiating DOR.

Daily Rifapentine (Max 600 mg) With EFV

  • ↔ EFV

Weekly Rifapentine (Max 900 mg) With EFV

  • ↔ EFV
No dose adjustment needed
ETR↓ ETR possibleDo not coadminister.
RPV IM, RPV PO↓ RPV possibleContraindicated
AzithromycinDOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ azithromycin expectedNo dose adjustment needed

↔ clarithromycin expected

↑ DOR possible

Monitor for ARV tolerability if used in combination.
EFVClarithromycin AUC ↓ 39%Monitor for effectiveness, or consider alternative agent (e.g., azithromycin) for MAC prophylaxis and treatment.

Clarithromycin AUC ↓ 39%

ETR AUC ↑ 42%

Consider alternative macrolide (e.g., azithromycin) for MAC prophylaxis and treatment.

↔ clarithromycin expected

↑ RPV possible

Consider alternative macrolide (e.g., azithromycin) for MAC prophylaxis and treatment. If coadministered, monitor for QTc prolongation.
ErythromycinDOR↑ DOR possibleMonitor for ARV tolerability if used in combination.

↑ EFV and ETR possible

↓ erythromycin possible

Monitor for ARV tolerability and antibiotic efficacy if used in combination.
RPV IM, RPV PO↑ RPV possibleConsider alternative macrolide (e.g., azithromycin). If coadministered, monitor for QTc prolongation.
ApixabanDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ apixaban expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ apixaban possibleConsider alternative ARV or anticoagulant therapy.
Dabigatran, EdoxabanDOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ DOAC expectedNo dose adjustment needed
RivaroxabanDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ rivaroxaban expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ rivaroxaban possibleConsider alternative ARV or anticoagulant therapy.
WarfarinDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ warfarin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↑ or ↓ warfarin possibleMonitor INR and adjust warfarin dose accordingly.
Carbamazepine, Phenobarbital, Phenytoin, PrimidoneDOR↓ DOR possibleContraindicated. After stopping antiseizure medication, wait 4 weeks before initiating DOR.

Carbamazepine Plus EFV

  • Carbamazepine AUC ↓ 27%
  • EFV AUC ↓ 36%

Phenytoin Plus EFV

  • ↓ EFV
  • ↑ or ↓ phenytoin possible

Phenobarbital or Primidone Plus EFV

  • ↓ EFV and antiseizure agent possible
Consider alternative ARV or antiseizure medication. If coadministration is necessary, monitor antiseizure drug and EFV concentrations.
ETR↓ antiseizure agent and ETR possibleDo not coadminister.
RPV IM, RPV PO↓ RPV possibleContraindicated
EslicarbazepineDOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↓ NNRTI possibleConsider alternative ARV or antiseizure medication. If coadministration is necessary, monitor virologic response and consider monitoring plasma concentrations of ARVs.
OxcarbazepineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↓ NNRTI possibleContraindicated
EFV, ETR↓ NNRTI possibleConsider alternative ARV or antiseizure medication. If coadministration is necessary, monitor virologic response and consider monitoring plasma concentrations of ARVs.
Ethosuximide, Lacosamide, Tiagabine, ZonisamideDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antiseizure agent expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ antiseizure agent possibleMonitor seizure control. Consider anticonvulsant therapeutic drug monitoring.
LamotrigineDOR, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ lamotrigine expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↓ lamotrigine possibleMonitor seizure control and plasma concentrations of lamotrigine.
Antidepressants, Anxiolytics, and Antipsychotics
Also see the Sedative/Hypnotics section below.
Antidepressants and Anxiolytics
BupropionDOR, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ bupropion expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFVBupropion AUC ↓ 55%Titrate bupropion dose based on clinical response.
Citalopram, EscitalopramDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antidepressant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ antidepressant possibleTitrate antidepressant dose based on clinical response.
DOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antidepressant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
DuloxetineDOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antidepressant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
Fluoxetine, FluvoxamineDOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antidepressant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
MirtazapineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ mirtazapine expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ mirtazapine possibleMonitor antidepressant effect. Titrate dose as necessary based on clinical response.
NefazodoneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↑ NNRTI possibleNo dose adjustment needed

↓ nefazodone expected

↑ NNRTI possible

Monitor antidepressant effect. Titrate dose as necessary based on clinical response.
ParoxetineDOR, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ paroxetine expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↔ EFV and paroxetineNo dose adjustment needed
SertralineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ sertraline expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFVSertraline AUC ↓ 39%Monitor the antidepressant effect. Titrate dose as necessary based on clinical response.
ETR↓ sertraline possible
TrazodoneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ trazodone expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ trazodone possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of trazodone and titrate dose as necessary.
Tricyclic Antidepressants
(e.g., amitriptyline, doxepin, nortriptyline)
DOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antidepressant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
AripiprazoleDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ aripiprazole expected

No dose adjustment needed


EFV, ETR↓ aripiprazole expectedMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of antipsychotic. Consider doubling usual dose of aripiprazole over 1–2 weeks. Refer to aripiprazole prescribing information for dose recommendations.
BrexpiprazoleDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ brexpiprazole expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ brexpiprazole expectedMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of antipsychotic. Consider doubling the usual dose of brexpiprazole and making further adjustments based on clinical response. Refer to brexpiprazole prescribing information.
CariprazineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ cariprazine expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ cariprazine and ↑ or ↓ active metabolite possibleDo not coadminister.
IloperidoneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antipsychotic expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ antipsychotic possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of antipsychotic.
LumateperoneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antipsychotic expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ antipsychotic possibleDo not coadminister.
LurasidoneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antipsychotic expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ antipsychotic possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of antipsychotic.
Olanzapine, Olanzapine/SamidorphanDOR, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ olanzapine expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↓ olanzapine possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of olanzapine.

Other Antipsychotics

CYP3A4 Substrates
(e.g., clozapine, haloperidol, perphenazine, risperidone, thioridazine)

DOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antipsychotic expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ antipsychotic possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of antipsychotic.
PimavanserinDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ pimavanserin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ pimavanserin expectedDo not coadminister.
PimozideDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ pimozide expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ pimozide possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of pimozide.
QuetiapineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antipsychotic expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ antipsychotic possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of antipsychotic.
ZiprasidoneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antipsychotic expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ antipsychotic possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of antipsychotic.
FluconazoleDOR↑ DOR possibleNo dose adjustment needed

↔ fluconazole expected


No dose adjustment needed
ETRETR AUC ↑ 86%No dose adjustment needed
RPV IM, RPV PO↑ RPV possibleNo dose adjustment needed. If coadministered, consider monitoring for QTc prolongation.
IbrexafungerpDOR, RPV PO↑ NNRTI possibleNo dose adjustment needed

↓ ibrexafungerp expected 

↑ NNRTI possible

Do not coadminister.

↔ ibrexafungerp expected

↔ RPV IM expected

No dose adjustment needed
IsavuconazoleDOR↑ DOR possibleNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ isavuconazole possibleMonitor isavuconazole concentration and antifungal response. Dose adjustments for isavuconazole may be necessary.
RPV IM, RPV PO↑ RPV possibleNo dose adjustment needed. If coadministered, consider monitoring for QTc prolongation.
ItraconazoleDOR↑ DOR possibleNo dose adjustment needed

EFV With Itraconazole Solution

  • Itraconazole and OH-itraconazole AUC, Cmax, and Cmin ↓ 37% to 44%

EFV With Itraconazole Capspsules

  • Itraconazole AUC ↓ 86% and OH-itraconazole AUC 84%
Do not coadminister unless potential benefits outweigh the risks. Failure to achieve therapeutic itraconazole concentrations has been reported. If coadministration is necessary, closely monitor itraconazole concentration and adjust dose accordingly.

↓ itraconazole possible

↑ ETR possible

Dose adjustments for itraconazole may be necessary. Monitor itraconazole concentration and antifungal response.
RPV IM, RPV PO↑ RPV possibleNo dose adjustment needed. If coadministered, consider monitoring for QTc prolongation.
PosaconazoleDOR, ETR↑ NNRTI possibleNo dose adjustment needed

Posaconazole AUC ↓ 50%


Do not coadminister unless potential benefits outweigh the risks. If coadministration is necessary, monitor posaconazole concentration and adjust dose accordingly.
RPV IM, RPV PO↑ RPV possibleNo dose adjustment needed. If coadministered, consider monitoring for QTc prolongation.
VoriconazoleDOR↑ DOR possibleNo dose adjustment needed

Voriconazole AUC ↓ 77%

EFV AUC ↑ 44%

Contraindicated at standard doses

Adjust dose to voriconazole 400 mg twice daily plus EFV 300 mg daily.


↔ voriconazole AUC

ETR AUC ↑ 36%

No dose adjustment needed
RPV IM, RPV PO↑ RPV possibleNo dose adjustment needed. If coadministered, consider monitoring for QTc prolongation.
Artemether/LumefantrineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antimalarial expectedNo dose adjustment needed

Artemether AUC ↓ 79%

DHA AUC ↓ 75%

Lumefantrine AUC ↓ 30% to 56%

Consider alternative ARV or antimalarial drug. If used in combination, monitor closely for antimalarial efficacy.

Artemether AUC ↓ 38%


↔ lumefantrine AUC


Clinical significance of the reduced antimalarial drug concentrations is unknown. If used in combination with ETR, monitor for antimalarial efficacy.
Atovaquone/ProguanilDOR, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PONo dataMonitor for antimalarial efficacy.

Atovaquone AUC ↓ 75%

Proguanil AUC ↓ 43%

No dose recommendation. Consider alternative drug for malaria prophylaxis, if possible.
Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP) Receptor Antagonists
AtogepantDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ atogepant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ atogepant possible

Episodic migraine: Increase atogepant dose to 30–60 mg once daily.

Chronic migraine: Do not coadminister.

RimegepantDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ rimegepant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ rimegepant possibleConsider alternative ARV or migraine medication. 
UbrogepantDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ ubrogepant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ ubrogepant expectedUse initial dose of 100 mg, followed by second dose of 100 mg if needed.
ZavegepantDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ zavegepant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ zavegepant possible
Serotonin 5-HT1B, 1D Receptor Agonists
Almotriptan, EletriptanDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ almotriptan expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ almotriptan possible
Frovatriptan, Naratripan, Rizatriptan, Sumatriptan, ZolmitriptanDOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ migraine medication expectedNo dose adjustment needed
ClopidogrelDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ clopidogrel expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ activation of clopidogrel possibleConsider alternative ARV or antiplatelet. ETR may prevent metabolism of clopidogrel to its active metabolite.
PrasugrelAll NNRTIs↔ prasugrel expectedNo dose adjustment needed
TicagrelorDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ ticagrelor expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ ticagrelor expectedConsider alternative ARV or anticoagulant therapy.
VorapaxarDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ vorapaxar expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ vorapaxar expectedInsufficient data to make a dose recommendation.
Antipneumocystis and Antitoxoplasmosis
Atovaquone (oral solution)DOR, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PONo dataMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of atovaquone.
EFVAtovaquone AUC ↓ 44% to 47%Consider alternative ARV or agent for PCP or toxoplasmosis treatment or prophylaxis. If coadministration is necessary, monitor for therapeutic effectiveness of atovaquone.
Antivirals—Hepatitis C

↔ elbasvir and grazoprevir

DOR AUC ↑ 56% and Cmin ↑ 41%

No dose adjustment needed

Elbasvir AUC ↓ 54%

Grazoprevir AUC ↓ 83%


ETR↓ elbasvir and grazoprevir expectedDo not coadminister

↔ elbasvir and grazoprevir expected

↔ RPV expected

No dose adjustment needed

↔ elbasvir and grazoprevir

↔ RPV AUC and Cmin

No dose adjustment needed
Glecaprevir/PibrentasvirDOR↑ DOR expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↓ glecaprevir and pibrentasvir expectedDo not coadminister.
ETR↓ glecaprevir and pibrentasvir possibleDo not coadminister.

↔ glecaprevir and pibrentasvir expected

↑ RPV expected

No dose adjustment needed

↔ glecaprevir and pibrentasvir

RPV AUC ↑ 84%

No dose adjustment needed

↔ ledipasvir and sofosbuvir


No dose adjustment needed

Ledipasvir AUC, Cmin, and Cmax ↓ 34%

↔ sofosbuvir

ETRNo significant effect expected
RPV IM↔ ledipasvir, sofosbuvir, and RPV expected

↔ ledipasvir and sofosbuvir


Sofosbuvir/VelpatasvirDOR, RPV IM, RPV PONo significant effect expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFVVelpatasvir AUC ↓ 43%, Cmax ↓ 37%, and Cmin ↓ 47%Do not coadminister.
ETR↓ velpatasvir expectedDo not coadminister.
Sofosbuvir/‌Velpatasvir/‌VoxilaprevirDOR, RPV IM, RPV PONo significant effect expectedNo dose adjustment needed.

Velpatasvir AUC ↓ 43%, Cmax ↓ 37%, and Cmin ↓47%

↓ voxilaprevir expected

Do not coadminister.

↓ voxilaprevir expected

↓ velpatasvir expected

Do not coadminister.
Antivirals—Miscellaneous (e.g., for CMV, Mpox)
BrincidofovirAll NNRTIs↔ brincidofovir expectedNo dose adjustment needed
CidofovirAll NNRTIs↔ cidofovir expectedNo dose adjustment needed
MaribavirDOR RPV IM, RPV PO↔ maribavir expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ maribavir possible
TecovirimatDOR, RPV PO↓ DOR or RPV expected but not likely to be clinically relevantNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↔ EFV or ETR expectedNo dose adjustment needed
RPV IM↓ RPV expected but not likely to be clinically relevant

No dose adjustment needed. If there is a concern for suboptimal RPV exposure, seek expert consultation.

Do not initiate CAB/RPV IM during or within 2 weeks after tecovirimat treatment. (Refer to Table 24d for interaction with CAB.)

MolnupiravirAll NNRTIs↔ expectedNo dose adjustment needed
RemdesivirAll NNRTIs↔ expectedNo dose adjustment needed
Ritonavir-Boosted NirmatrelvirDOR

With Ritonavir 100 mg Twice Daily

  • DOR AUC ↑ 254%
No dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR, RPV PO, RPV IM↔ expectedNo dose adjustment needed
Cardiac Medications
Atenolol, Metoprolol, NebivololDOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ beta-blocker expectedNo dose adjustment needed
Bisoprolol, CarvedilolDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ beta-blocker expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ beta-blocker possibleNo dose adjustment needed. Monitor blood pressure and heart rate and titrate to clinical effect.
LabetalolDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ beta-blocker expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↑ beta-blocker possibleNo dose adjustment needed. Monitor blood pressure and heart rate and adjust dose to achieve desired clinical effect.
Calcium Channel Blockers

Dihydropyridine Calcium Channel Blockers

(e.g., amlodipine, nifedipine)

DOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ CCBs expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ CCBs possibleTitrate CCB dose based on clinical response.

Non-Dihydropyridine Calcium Channel Blockers

(e.g., diltiazem, verapamil)


↔ CCBs expected

↑ NNRTI possible

No dose adjustment needed

Diltiazem AUC ↓ 69%

↓ verapamil possible

Titrate diltiazem or verapamil dose based on clinical response.
ETR↓ diltiazem or verapamil possible
BosentanDOR↓ DOR possibleConsider alternative ARV or alternative to bosentan. If coadministration is necessary, monitor virologic response.

↓ NNRTI possible 

↓ bosentan possible 

Consider alternative ARV or alternative to bosentan. If coadministration is necessary, monitor bosentan efficacy and virologic response.
RPV IM, RPV PO↓ RPV possibleConsider alternative ARV or alternative to bosentan. If coadministration is necessary, monitor virologic response.
EplerenoneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ eplerenone expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ eplerenone possibleTitrate eplerenone dose based on clinical response.
IvabradineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ ivabradine expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ ivabradine expectedContraindicated
MavacamtenDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO

↔ mavacamten expected

↓ NNRTI possible

Consider alternative ARV or alternative to mavacamten. If coadministration is necessary, monitor virologic response.

↓ mavacamten expected

↓ NNRTI possible

RanolazineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ ranolazine expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ ranolazine expectedContraindicated
DOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ corticosteroid expectedNo dose adjustment needed
Budesonide, Fluticasone, MometasoneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ corticosteroid expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ corticosteroid possibleMonitor corticosteroid efficacy and titrate as needed. May consider alternative corticosteroid for long-term use.
DexamethasoneDOR, EFV, ETR↓ NNRTI possibleConsider alternative corticosteroid for long-term use. If dexamethasone is used with NNRTI, monitor virologic response.
RPV IM, RPV POSignificant ↓ RPV possibleContraindicated with more than a single dose of dexamethasone.
Prednisone, PrednisoloneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ corticosteroid expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR,↓ corticosteroid possibleMonitor corticosteroid efficacy and titrate as needed. May consider alternative corticosteroid for long-term use.
Linagliptin, Sitagliptin DOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antihyperglycemic expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ antihyperglycemic possibleMonitor glycemic control.

↔ metformin AUC

DOR AUC ↓ 26% and Cmax ↓ 24%

No dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR, RPV IM↔ metformin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
RPV PO↔ metformin AUCNo dose adjustment needed

Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitors

(e.g., canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, empagliflozin)

DOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ antihyperglycemic expectedNo dose adjustment needed
Herbal Products
St. John’s WortDOR↓ DOR expectedContraindicated. After stopping St. John’s Wort, wait 4 weeks before initiating DOR.
EFV, ETR↓ EFV or ETR expectedDo not coadminister.
RPV IM, RPV PO↓ RPV expectedContraindicated
Hormonal Therapies—Contraceptives

Injectable Contraceptives

Depot MPA

DOR, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ MPA expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↔ MPANo dose adjustment needed. Refer to Women With HIV section for people on EFV and RIF.

Oral Contraceptives

(e.g., desogestrel, drospirenone, ethinyl estradiol, levonorgestrel, norgestimate)


↔ ethinyl estradiol

↔ levonorgestrel

↔ drospirenone expected

No dose adjustment needed

↔ ethinyl estradiol

Etonogestrel (metabolite of oral desogestrel) Cmin ↓ 61%

Levonorgestrel (metabolite of oral norgestimate) AUC ↓ 83%

Norelgestromin (metabolite of oral norgestimate) AUC ↓ 64%

↓ drospirenone possible

When Used for Contraception

  • Use alternative ARV or contraceptive methods.

When Used for Other Clinical Indications (e.g., Acne, Menstrual Cycle Regulation)

Monitor for clinical effectiveness of hormonal therapy.


Ethinyl estradiol AUC ↑ 22%

↔ norethindrone

↓ drospirenone possible

No dose adjustment needed for regimens that do not contain drospirenone

For drospirenone-containing regimens used for contraception, use alternative ARV or alternative contraceptive method.

If using drospirenone for other clinical indications, monitor for clinical effectiveness of hormonal therapy.


↔ ethinyl estradiol expected

↔ norethindrone expected

↔ drospirenone expected

No dose adjustment needed

↔ ethinyl estradiol 

↔ norethindrone 

↔ drospirenone expected

No dose adjustment needed

Subdermal Implant Contraceptives

(e.g., etonogestrel, levonorgestrel)


↔ etonogestrel expected

↔ levonorgestrel expected

No dose adjustment needed

Etonogestrel AUC ↓ 63% to 82%

Levonorgestrel AUC ↓ 42% to 47%

Levonorgestrel 300 mg Implant With 600 mg EFV Compared to Levonorgestrel 150 mg Implant

•    Levonorgestrel AUC ↓ 34%

Use alternative ARV or contraceptive methods.

Unintended pregnancies were observed in women who used EFV and levonorgestrel implant concomitantly.


↓ etonogestrel possible

↓ levonorgestrel possible

Consider using alternative ARV or contraceptive method.

Transdermal Contraceptives

(e.g., ethinyl estradiol/norelgestromin, ethinyl estradiol/levonorgestrel) 

DOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ ethinyl estradiol or norelgestromin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↓ ethinyl estradiol or norelgestromin possibleConsider using alternative ARV or contraceptive method.
ETR↓ ethinyl estradiol or norelgestromin possibleConsider using alternative ARV or contraceptive method.

Vaginal Ring Contraceptives

(e.g., etonogestrel/ethinyl estradiol, segesterone/ethinyl estradiol) 


↔ etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol expected

↓ segesterone and ethinyl estradiol expected

No dose adjustment needed

Ethinyl estradiol (intravaginal ring) AUC ↓ 56%

Etonogestrel (intravaginal ring) AUC ↓ 81%

Use alternative ARV or contraceptive method.
↓ segesterone and ethinyl estradiol possibleConsider alternative ARV or contraceptive method.

↓ etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol possible

↓ segesterone and ethinyl estradiol possible

Consider alternative ARV or contraceptive method.

Emergency Contraceptives

Levonorgestrel (oral)

DOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ levonorgestrel expectedNo dose adjustment needed

Levonorgestrel 1.5 mg Plus 600 mg EFV 

  • Levonorgestrel AUC ↓ 58%

Levonorgestrel 3 mg Plus 600 mg EFV Compared to Levonorgestrel 1.5 mg Alone

  • ↔ levonorgestrel AUC
Increase dose of levonorgestrel to 3mg when used for emergency postcoital contraception. 
ETR↓ levonorgestrel possibleConsider alternative ARV or contraceptive method.
Hormonal Therapies—Gender Affirming and Menopause
EstradiolDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ estradiol expectedNo dose adjustment needed

Estradiol AUC ↓ 28%


Monitor feminizing effects of estrogen and therapy. Titrate dose as necessary to achieve therapeutic goals.
ETR↓ estradiol possible

5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors

(e.g., dutasteride, finasteride)

DOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ dutasteride and finasteride expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ dutasteride and finasteride possibleMonitor masculinizing effects of testosterone. Titrate testosterone dose as necessary to achieve therapeutic goals.
TestosteroneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ testosterone expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ testosterone possibleMonitor masculinizing effects of testosterone. Titrate testosterone dose as necessary to achieve therapeutic goals.
Other Gender-Affirming MedicationsDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ hormonal concentrations expectedNo dose adjustment needed

↓ cyproterone and progestogens possible

↔ goserelin, leuprolide acetate, and spironolactone expected 

Monitor feminizing effects of estrogen and antiandrogen therapy. Titrate dose as necessary to achieve therapeutic goals.

Menopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy

(e.g., conjugated estrogens, drospirenone, estradiol, medroxyprogesterone, progesterone)

DOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ hormonal concentrations expectedNo dose adjustment needed

↓ estrogen possible with estradiol or conjugated estrogen (equine and synthetic)

↓ medroxyprogesterone possible

↓ micronized progesterone possible

↓ drospirenone possible

See Contraceptives—Oral above for other progestin-NNRTI interactions

Monitor menopausal symptoms. Titrate to the dose of hormonal therapy that achieves menopausal symptom relief. 
CyclosporineDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO

↔ cyclosporine expected

↑ NNRTI possible

No dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ cyclosporine possibleIncrease in immunosuppressant dose may be necessary. Therapeutic drug monitoring of immunosuppressant is recommended. Consult with specialist as necessary.
Everolimus, Sirolimus, TacrolimusDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ immunosuppressant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ immunosuppressant possibleIncrease in immunosuppressant dose may be necessary. Therapeutic drug monitoring of immunosuppressant is recommended. Consult with specialist as necessary.
AtorvastatinDOR↔ atorvastatin AUCNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETRAtorvastatin AUC ↓ 32% to 43%Adjust atorvastatin dose according to lipid response, but do not exceed the maximum recommended dose.
RPV IM↔ atorvastatin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
RPV PO↔ atorvastatin AUCNo dose adjustment needed
FluvastatinDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ fluvastatin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↑ fluvastatin possibleDose adjustments for fluvastatin may be necessary. Monitor for fluvastatin toxicity.
Lovastatin, SimvastatinDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ lovastatin and simvastatin expectedNo dose adjustment needed

Simvastatin AUC ↓ 60% to 68%

Simvastatin active metabolite AUC ↓ 60%

Adjust simvastatin dose according to lipid response, but do not exceed the maximum recommended dose.

↓ lovastatin possible

↓ simvastatin possible

Adjust lovastatin or simvastatin dose according to lipid response, but do not exceed the maximum recommended dose.
PitavastatinDOR, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ pitavastatin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↔ pitavastatin AUCNo dose adjustment needed
PravastatinDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ pravastatin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFVPravastatin AUC ↓ 44%Adjust statin dose according to lipid responses, but do not exceed the maximum recommended dose.
ETR↓ pravastatin possible
RosuvastatinDOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ rosuvastatin expectedNo dose adjustment needed
Narcotics and Treatment for Opioid Dependence


Sublingual or buccal

DOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ buprenorphine expectedNo dose adjustment needed

Buprenorphine AUC ↓ 50%

Norbuprenorphine (active metabolite) AUC ↓ 71%

No dose adjustment needed, monitor for withdrawal symptoms.
ETRBuprenorphine AUC ↓ 25%No dose adjustment needed
Buprenorphine ImplantDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ buprenorphine expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETRNo dataClinical monitoring is recommended when NNRTI is initiated after insertion of buprenorphine implant.
LofexidineDOR, EFV, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ lofexidine expectedNo dose adjustment needed

↔ methadone AUC

DOR AUC ↓ 26%

No dose adjustment needed
EFVMethadone AUC ↓ 52%Opioid withdrawal common; monitor and increase methadone dose as necessary.
ETR↔ methadone AUCNo dose adjustment needed
RPV IM↓ methadone AUC expectedNo dose adjustment needed; monitor for withdrawal symptoms.
RPV PO↔ R-methadonea AUCNo dose adjustment needed; monitor for withdrawal symptoms.
PDE5 Inhibitors
Avanafil, Tadalafil, VardenafilDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ PDE5 inhibitor expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ PDE5 inhibitor possibleMay need to titrate dose based on clinical effect.
SildenafilDOR↔ sildenafil expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↓ sildenafil possibleMay need to titrate sildenafil dose based on clinical effect.
ETRSildenafil AUC ↓ 57%May need to titrate sildenafil dose based on clinical effect.
RPV IM↔ sildenafil expectedNo dose adjustment needed
RPV PO↔ sildenafil AUC and CmaxNo dose adjustment needed
Alprazolam, TriazolamDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ alprazolam or triazolam expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ alprazolam or triazolam possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of benzodiazepine.
DiazepamDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ diazepam expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↓ diazepam possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of diazepam.
ETR↑ diazepam possibleDecreased dose of diazepam may be necessary. Monitor for diazepam toxicity.
LorazepamDOR, ETR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ lorazepam expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↔ lorazepam AUCNo dose adjustment needed
MidazolamDOR↔ midazolam AUCNo dose adjustment needed
EFV↑ or ↓ midazolam possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness and toxicity of midazolam.

Midazolam AUC ↓ 31%

Midazolam active metabolite Cmax ↑ 57%

Monitor for therapeutic effectiveness of midazolam.
RPV IM, RPV PO↔ midazolam expectedNo dose adjustment needed
Orexin Receptor Antagonists
DaridorexantDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ daridorexant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFVDaridorexant AUC ↓ 61%Do not coadminister.
ETR↓ daridorexant possible
Lemborexant, SuvorexantDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ lemborexant expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ lemborexant possibleDo not coadminister.
Other Sedatives
Eszopiclone, ZolpidemDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ eszopiclone or zolpidem expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ eszopiclone or zolpidem possibleMonitor for therapeutic effectiveness of sedative and titrate to clinical effect.
FinerenoneDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ finerenone expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFV, ETR↓ finerenone expectedConsider alternative ARV or alternative to finerenone. If coadministration is necessary, monitor finerenone efficacy.
PraziquantelDOR, RPV IM, RPV PO↔ praziquantel expectedNo dose adjustment needed
EFVR-praziquantel and S-praziquantel AUC ↓ 74% to 75%Do not coadminister. If coadministration is necessary, consider alternative ARVs.
ETR↓ praziquantel possibleDo not coadminister. If coadministration is necessary, consider alternative ARVs.
a R-methadone is the active form of methadone.

Key to Symbols:
↑ = increase
↓ = decrease
↔ = less than 20% change in AUC

Key: ARV = antiretroviral; AUC = area under the curve; Cmax = maximum plasma concentration; Cmin = minimum plasma concentration; CAB = cabotegravir; CCB = calcium channel blocker; DAA = direct-acting antiviral; DHA = dihydroartemisinin; DOAC = direct oral anticoagulants; DOR = doravirine; EFV = efavirenz; ETR = etravirine; IM = intramuscular; INR = international normalized ratio; isoniazid = isonicotinic acid hydrazide; MAC = Mycobacterium avium complex; MPA = medroxyprogesterone acetate; CMV = cytomegalovirus; NNRTI = non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; OH-itraconazole = active metabolite of itraconazole; PCP = Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia; PDE5 = phosphodiesterase type 5; PI/r = protease inhibitor/ritonavir; PO = orally; QTc = QT corrected for heart rate; RPV = rilpivirine

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