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Appendix A: Key to Acronyms

Study and Trial Names

ACTGAIDS Clinical Trials Group
ADVANCEAssessing Donor Variability And New Concepts in Eligibility
ARDENTACTG A5257 trial
ARTEMISAffordability and Real-world Antiplatelet Treatment Effectiveness After Myocardial Infarction Study
ATLASAntiretroviral Therapy as Long-Acting Suppression
D:A:DData Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs
ECHOEvidence for Contraceptive Options in HIV
ENCOREEvaluation of Novel Concepts in Optimization of antiRetroviral Efficacy
FLAIRFirst Long-Acting Injectable Regimen
FLAMINGODolutegravir Compared to Darunavir/Ritonavir, Each in Combination With Dual Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors
HPTNHIV Prevention Trials Network
NADIANucleosides And Darunavir/Dolutegravir In Africa
NAMSALNew Antiretroviral and Monitoring Strategies in HIV-infected Adults in Low-income countries
STaRSingle-Tablet Regimen
STARTStrategic Timing of AntiRetroviral Treatment

Appendix A: Key to Acronyms

Study and Trial Names

ACTGAIDS Clinical Trials Group
ADVANCEAssessing Donor Variability And New Concepts in Eligibility
ARDENTACTG A5257 trial
ARTEMISAffordability and Real-world Antiplatelet Treatment Effectiveness After Myocardial Infarction Study
ATLASAntiretroviral Therapy as Long-Acting Suppression
D:A:DData Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs
ECHOEvidence for Contraceptive Options in HIV
ENCOREEvaluation of Novel Concepts in Optimization of antiRetroviral Efficacy
FLAIRFirst Long-Acting Injectable Regimen
FLAMINGODolutegravir Compared to Darunavir/Ritonavir, Each in Combination With Dual Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors 
HPTNHIV Prevention Trials Network
NADIANucleosides And Darunavir/Dolutegravir In Africa
NAMSALNew Antiretroviral and Monitoring Strategies in HIV-infected Adults in Low-income countries
STaRSingle-Tablet Regimen
STARTStrategic Timing of AntiRetroviral Treatment

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