Agosto 18, 2020
Agosto 18, 2020

Archived Drugs


The Archived Drugs section of Appendix A: Pediatric Antiretroviral Drug Information provides access to the last updated versions of drug sections that are no longer being reviewed by the Panel on Antiretroviral Therapy and Medical Management of Children Living with HIV (the Panel). Archived Drugs includes older antiretroviral drugs that the Panel does not recommend for use in children because they have unacceptable toxicities, inferior virologic efficacy, a high pill burden, pharmacologic concerns, and/or a limited amount of pediatric data.

Didanosine (ddl, Videx) 

Enfuvirtide (T-20, Fuzeon)

Fosamprenavir (FPV, Lexiva)

Indinavir (IDV, Crixivan) 

Nelfinavir (NFV, Viracept) 

Saquinavir (SQV, Invirase) 

Stavudine (d4t, Zerit) 

Tipranavir (TPV, Aptivus)

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