Appendix A: Key to Acronyms

Updated Reviewed

Study and Trial Names

Acronym/AbbreviationFull Name
BANBreastfeeding, Antiretrovirals, and Nutrition
DolPHIN 2Dolutegravir in Pregnant HIV Women and Their Neonates
EUROCATEuropean Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies and Twins
EPPICCEuropean Pregnancy Paediatric HIV Cohort Collaboration
HPTNHIV Prevention Trials Network
IMPAACTInternational Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials
MOTIVATEMother–Infant Visit Adherence and Treatment Engagement
PACTGPediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group
PANNAPharmacokinetics of newly developed ANtiretroviral agents in HIV-infected pregNAnt women
PARTNERPartners of People on ART-A New Evaluation of the Risks
PHACSPediatric HIV/AIDS Cohort Study
PROMISEPromoting Maternal and Infant Survival Everywhere
SMARTTSurveillance Monitoring for ART Toxicities
STARTStrategic Timing of AntiRetroviral Treatment
VESTEDVirologic Efficacy and Safety of ART Combinations with TAF/TDF, EFV, and DTG

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