Appendix B: Acronyms
Acronym | Term |
°C | degrees Celsius |
°F | degrees Fahrenheit |
% v | volume |
25-OH-vitamin D | 25-hydroxy vitamin D |
AAP | American Academy of Pediatrics |
ACTH | adrenocorticotropic hormone |
AE | adverse effect |
AHR | adjusted hazard ratio |
ALT | alanine aminotransferase |
ANC | absolute neutrophil count |
app | mobile application |
ART | antiretroviral therapy |
ARV | antiretroviral |
ASCVD | atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease |
AST | aspartate aminotransferase |
AUC | area under the curve |
AUC0-12h | area under the curve from 0 to 12 hours postdose |
AUC12h | 12-hour area under the curve |
AUC24h | 24-hour area under the curve |
AUCtau | area under the curve over the dosing interval |
AV | atrioventricular |
BCRP | breast cancer resistance protein |
BHIVA | British HIV Association |
BMD | bone mineral density |
BMI | body mass index |
BSA | body surface area |
C0h | pre-dose concentration |
C12h | concentration at 12 hours |
C24h | concentration at 24 hours |
CAR | chimeric antigen receptor |
Cavg | average plasma concentration |
CBC | complete blood count |
CD4 | CD4 T lymphocyte |
CD8 | CD8 T lymphocyte |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
CEPAC | Cost-Effectiveness of Preventing AIDS Complications, a model |
CI | confidence interval |
CK | creatine kinase |
Cmax | maximum plasma concentration |
Cmin | minimum plasma concentration |
CMV | cytomegalovirus |
CNS | central nervous system |
COMB-R | cognitive behavioral therapy and medication management algorithm |
Cr | creatinine |
CRAFFT | Car, Relax, Alone, Forget, Friends, and Trouble |
CrCl | creatinine clearance |
CT | continuous therapy |
Ctau | concentration at the end of a dosing interval |
Ctrough | trough concentration |
CTx | C-telopeptide of type 1 collagen |
CV | coefficients of variation |
CVD | cardiovascular disease |
CYP | cytochrome P450 |
CYPB26 | cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily B member 6 |
DAIDS | Division of AIDS (NIAID) |
DBS | dried blood spot |
DM | diabetes mellitus |
DOT | directly observed therapy |
DRESS | drug reaction (or rash) with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms |
DSG | delayed switch group |
DT | dispersible tablet |
DXA | dual energy x-ray absorptiometry |
EBV | Epstein-Barr virus |
EC | enteric-coated |
EC50 | half maximal effective concentration |
ECG | electrocardiogram |
ECMO | extracorporeal membrane oxygenation |
EEG | electroencephalogram |
eGFR | estimated glomerular filtration rate |
EM | erythema multiforme or extensive metabolizers |
FCT | film-coated tablet |
FDA | U.S. Food and Drug Administration |
FDC | fixed-dose combination |
FLP | fasting lipid profile |
FPG | fasting plasma glucose |
g/dL | grams per deciliter |
G6PD | glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase |
GA | gestational age |
GFR | glomerular filtration rate |
GI | gastrointestinal |
GLSM | geometric least squares mean |
GM | geometric mean |
GMR | geometric mean ratio |
gp120 | glycoprotein 120 |
HA | height age |
HAV | hepatitis A virus |
HBcAB | HBV core antibody |
HBsAB | HBV surface antibody |
HBsAG | HBV surface antigen |
HBV | hepatitis B virus |
HCV | hepatitis C virus |
HD | high dose |
HDL | high-density lipoprotein |
HDL-C | high-density lipoprotein cholesterol |
Hgb | hemoglobin |
HgbA1c | glycosylated hemoglobin |
HHS | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
HIV RNA or HIV-1 RNA | viral load |
HLA | human leukocyte antigen |
HMG-CoA | 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A |
HRSA | Health Resources and Services Administration |
HSR | hypersensitivity reaction |
HSV | herpes simplex virus |
IAS-USA | International Antiviral Society-USA |
IFPG | impaired fasting plasma glucose |
IGT | impaired glucose tolerance |
IM | intramuscular |
INSTI | integrase strand transfer inhibitor |
IQ | inhibitory quotient |
IQR | interquartile range |
IR | insulin resistance |
IRIS | immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome |
ISG | immediate switch group |
IU | international units |
IV | intravenous |
IVIG | intravenous immune globulin |
L | liter |
LAI | long-acting injectable |
LBW | low birth weight |
LDL | low-density lipoprotein |
LDL-C | low-density lipoprotein cholesterol |
LFT | liver function test |
Log10 | the logarithm to the base 10 |
LS | lipodystrophy syndrome |
LVH | left ventricular hypertrophy |
MCV | mean cell volume |
mDAART | modified directly administered ART |
MEMS | medication event monitoring system |
N/A | not available or not applicable |
NASBA | nucleic acid sequence-based amplification |
NAT | nucleic acid test |
NHLBI | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute |
NIH | National Institutes of Health |
nM | nanometer |
NNRTI | non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor |
NRTI | nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor |
NTD | neural tube defect |
OARAC | Office of AIDS Research Advisory Council |
OAT | organic anion transporter |
OATP | organic anion transporter polypeptide |
OBT | optimized background therapy |
OGTT | oral glucose tolerance test |
OI | opportunistic infection |
OR | odds ratio |
PA-IC95 | protein-adjusted IC95 |
The Panel | the Panel on Antiretroviral Therapy and Medical Management of Children Living with HIV |
PBMC | peripheral blood mononuclear cell |
PCP | Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia |
PEPFAR | President's Emergency Plan for AIDS relief |
PCR | polymerase chain reaction |
PEP | post-exposure prophylaxis |
PG | plasma glucose |
P-gp | P-glycoprotein |
PHIV | perinatally acquired HIV |
PK | pharmacokinetic |
PI | protease inhibitor |
POC | point of care |
PPI | proton pump inhibitor |
PrEP | pre-exposure prophylaxis |
py | patient years |
QTc | corrected QT |
RCT | randomized controlled trial |
RPG | random plasma glucose |
RR | relative risk |
RT-PCR | reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction |
SAM | severe acute malnutrition |
SBIRT | Screening, Brief, Intervention, and Referral to Treatment |
SCT | short-cycle therapy |
SD | standard deviation |
SJS | Stevens-Johnson syndrome |
SM | slow metabolizers |
SMR | sexual maturity rating |
SMS | short message service |
SOC | standard of care |
SQ | subcutaneous |
STI | sexually transmitted infection |
STR | single-tablet regimen |
T½ | half-life |
TB | tuberculosis |
TBLH | total body less head |
TC | total cholesterol |
TDM | therapeutic drug monitoring |
TEN | toxic epidermal necrolysis |
TG | triglyceride |
TIC | trauma-informed care |
TMA | transcription-mediated amplification |
Tmax | time to reach maximum concentration |
U=U | Undetectable = Untransmittable |
UGT | uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase |
UGT1A and UGT1A1 | uridine diphosphate (UDP)-glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A complex or uridine diphosphate (UDP)-glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A complex 1 |
ULN | upper limit of normal |
v/v | volume per volume |
w | weight |
WHO | World Health Organization |
Appendix B: Acronyms
Acronym | Term |
°C | degrees Celsius |
°F | degrees Fahrenheit |
% v | volume |
25-OH-vitamin D | 25-hydroxy vitamin D |
AE | adverse effect |
AHR | adjusted hazard ratio |
ALT | alanine aminotransferase |
ANC | absolute neutrophil count |
app | mobile application |
ART | antiretroviral therapy |
ARV | antiretroviral |
ASCVD | atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease |
AST | aspartate aminotransferase |
AUC | area under the curve |
AUC0-12h | area under the curve at 12 hours post-dose |
AUC24h | area under the curve at 24 hours post-dose |
AUCtau | area under the curve |
AV | atrioventricular |
BCRP | breast cancer resistance protein |
BHIVA | British HIV Association |
BMD | bone mineral density |
BMI | body mass index |
BSA | body surface area |
C0h | pre-dose concentration |
C12h | concentration at 12 hours |
C24h | concentration at 24 hours |
CAR | chimeric antigen receptor |
Cavg | average plasma concentration |
CBC | complete blood count |
CD4 | CD4 T lymphocyte |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
CI | confidence interval |
CK | creatine kinase |
Cmax | maximum plasma concentration |
Cmin | minimum plasma concentration |
CMV | cytomegalovirus |
CNS | central nervous system |
Cr | creatinine |
CrCl | creatinine clearance |
CT | continuous therapy |
Ctau | concentration at the end of a dosing interval |
Ctrough | trough concentration |
CTx | C-telopeptide of type 1 collagen |
CV | coefficients of variation |
CVDI | cardiovascular disease |
CYP | cytochrome P |
CYPB26 | cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily B member 6 |
DAIDS | Division of AIDS (NIAID) |
DBS | dried blood spot |
dL | deciliter |
DM | diabetes mellitus |
DNA | deoxyribonucleic acid |
DOT | directly observed therapy |
DRESS | drug reaction (or rash) with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms |
DSG | delayed switch group |
DSMB | Data Safety Monitoring Board |
DT | dispersible tablet |
DXA | dual energy x-ray absorptiometry |
E2D2 | Every Dose, Every Day [Toolkit and App] |
EBV | Epstein-Barr virus |
EC | enteric-coated |
EC50 | half maximal effective concentration |
ECG | electrocardiogram |
EEG | electroencephalogram |
eGFR | estimated glomerular filtration rate |
EM | erythema multiforme or extensive metabolizers |
FCT | film-coated tablet |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration |
FDC | fixed-dose combination |
fL | femtoliter |
FLP | fasting lipid profile |
fmol | femtomole |
FPG | fasting plasma glucose |
g | gram |
g/dL | grams per deciliter |
G6PD | glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase |
GA | gestational age |
GFR | glomerular filtration rate |
GI | gastrointestinal |
GLSM | geometric least squares mean |
GM | geometric mean |
GMR | geometric mean ratio |
gp | glycoprotein |
gp120 | glycoprotein 120 |
h | hour |
HA | height age |
HAV | hepatitis A virus |
HBV | hepatitis B virus |
HCV | hepatitis C virus |
HD | high dose |
HDL-C | high-density lipoprotein cholesterol |
Hgb | hemoglobin |
HgbA1c | glycosylated hemoglobin |
HHS | Department of Health and Human Services |
HIV RNA or HIV-1 RNA | viral load |
HLA | human leukocyte antigen |
HRSA | Health Resources and Services Administration |
HSR | hypersensitivity reaction |
HSV | herpes simplex virus |
IAS-USA | International Antiviral Society-USA |
IFPG | impaired fasting plasma glucose |
IGT | impaired glucose tolerance |
IM | intramuscular |
INSTI | integrase strand transfer inhibitor |
IQ | inhibitory quotient |
IQR | interquartile range |
IR | insulin resistance |
IRIS | immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome |
ISG | immediate switch group |
IU | international units |
IV | intravenous |
IVIG | intravenous immune globulin |
kg | kilogram |
L | liter |
LAI | long-acting injectable |
LBW | low birth weight |
LDL | low-density lipoprotein |
LDL-C | low-density lipoprotein cholesterol |
LFT | liver function test |
Log10 | the logarithm to the base 10 |
LS | lipodystrophy syndrome |
LVH | left ventricular hypertrophy |
m2 | square meter |
mcg | microgram |
MCV | mean cell volume |
mDAART | modified directly administered ART |
MEMS | Medication Event Monitoring System |
mg | milligram |
min | minute |
mL | milliliter |
mm | millimeter |
mm3 | cubic millimeter |
mmol | millimole |
N/A | not available or not applicable |
NASBA | nucleic acid sequence-based amplification |
NAT | nucleic acid test |
ng | nanogram |
NHLBI | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute |
NIH | National Institutes of Health |
nM | nanometer |
NNRTI | non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor |
NRTI | nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor |
NTD | neural tube defect |
OARAC | Office of AIDS Research Advisory Council |
OAT | organic anion transporter |
OATP | organic anion transporter polypeptide |
OBT | optimized background therapy |
OGTT | oral glucose tolerance test |
OI | opportunistic infection |
oz | ounce |
PA-IC95 | protein-adjusted IC95 |
The Panel | the Panel on Antiretroviral Therapy and Medical Management of Children Living With HIV |
PBMC | peripheral blood mononuclear cell |
PCP | Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia |
PCR | polymerase chain reaction |
PEP | post-exposure prophylaxis |
PG | plasma glucose |
P-gp | P-glycoprotein |
PI | protease inhibitor |
PK | pharmacokinetic |
POC | point of care |
PPI | proton pump inhibitor |
PrEP | pre-exposure prophylaxis |
PUFA | polyunsaturated fatty acid |
py | patient years |
QTc | corrected QT |
RCT | randomized controlled trial |
RNA | ribonucleic acid |
RPG | random plasma glucose |
RR | relative risk |
RT-PCR | reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction |
SAM | severe acute malnutrition |
SCT | short-cycle therapy |
SD | standard deviation |
SJS | Stevens-Johnson syndrome |
SM | slow metabolizers |
SMR | sexual maturity rating |
SMS | short message service |
SOC | standard of care |
SQ | subcutaneous |
STI | sexually transmitted infection |
STR | single-tablet regimen |
T½ | half-life |
TB | tuberculosis |
TBLH | total body less head |
TC | total cholesterol |
TDM | therapeutic drug monitoring |
TEN | toxic epidermal necrolysis |
TG | triglyceride |
TMA | transcription-mediated amplification |
Tmax | time to reach maximum concentration |
U=U | Undetectable = Untransmittable |
UGT | uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase |
UGT1A | uridine diphosphate (UDP)-glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A complex |
ULN | upper limit of normal |
v/v | volume per volume |
w | weight |
WHO | World Health Organization |
XR | extended release |
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