Appendix A: Sample Short Intake Form for People With HIV Who Are Seeking Care

Updated Reviewed
Appendix A: Sample Short Intake Form for People With HIV Who Are Seeking Care
Contact Information

Legal name

Additional name (if different from legal name)


Phone number

Email address

Emergency contact information

Providers, Prescription Drug Coverage, and Access to Electronic Health Information

Name, location, phone number, pager number, and email address of the primary HIV care provider/clinic and research staff (if the person is participating in a clinical trial)

Access to patient portal for health care system

_______ yes ____ no

Name, location, and phone number of the pharmacy where the person obtained medications

Access to patient portal for pharmacy

_______ yes ____ no
Name and phone number for primary and any secondary prescription drug coverage (e.g., commercial insurance, employer-sponsored insurance, Medicare Part D, Medicare Advantage, ADAP, VA) 
Medical History
Currently pregnant____ yes ____ no
Pertinent past medical history (including history of OIs, malignancies, and other medical conditions, such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus) 
History of HBV or HCV coinfection (according to the person with HIV)HBV:  ____ yes ____ no
HCV:  ____ yes ____ no
Latest known CD4 cell count and HIV viral load, with approximate dates for when each was obtained 
Currently taking medications for OUD (e.g., buprenorphine, methadone)____ yes ____ no
ARV drugs, including dosing information (e.g., dose, number of pills, dosing frequency)

Images of FDA-approved ARV medications can be found at

Is the person with HIV on any LA injectable ARV drug (such as IM cabotegravir and rilpivirine, IV ibalizumab, or SQ lenacapavir)?

If yes:

  • What injectable ARV drug(s) is the person taking?
  • When was the last dose of the medication(s)?
  • When is the next dose due?
____ yes ____ no
Medications for treatment of OIs 
Medications for prevention of OIs 
Any investigational medications
(Note: If the person is participating in a clinical trial, obtain information about the clinical trial site and contact information, if available)
Other medications (include doses and dosing frequencies)

Drug Allergies/Intolerance
History of drug allergies and the types of reactions experienced

Pay special attention to allergies to abacavir or drugs used for the treatment or prevention of OIs, such as trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. People who have had positive genetic tests for the HLA-B* 5701 allele should not be given abacavir (Ziagen) or fixed-dose combinations containing abacavir (Epzicom, Trizivir, or Triumeq).
History of intolerance to ARV medications and other medications
Key: ADAP = AIDS Drug Assistance Program; ARV = antiretroviral; CD4 = CD4 T lymphocyte; FDA = U.S. Food and Drug Administration; HBV = hepatitis B virus; HCV = hepatitis C virus; IM = intramuscular; IV = intravenous; LA = long-acting; OI = opportunistic infection; OUD = opioid use disorder; SQ = subcutaneous; VA = U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


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