Drug information

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Other Names
Tembexa, CMX001
Drug Class
Antiviral (Orthopoxvirus Nucleotide Analog DNA Polymerase Inhibitor)
Chemical Image: (Click to enlarge)


Molecular Weight: 561.7

e-IND use

Emergency investigational new drug (e-IND) use

Brincidofovir can be used for the for the treatment of mpox and is available to clinicians who request and obtain an FDA-authorized single-patient emergency use IND(link is external) (e-IND). Additional information on how to access brincidofovir is available from the FDA webpage FDA Mpox Response.

For the latest information and updates related to the use of brincidofovir for the treatment of mpox, please visit the CDC’s Clinical Guidance webpage. Recommendations on the use of brincidofovir for treating mpox in people with HIV are also available from the Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in Adults and Adolescents with HIV.

For additional information about brincidofovir, see the FDA-approved drug labels: Tablet (film coated); Suspension.