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Table 3. Indications for Discontinuing and Restarting Opportunistic Infection Secondary Prophylaxis or Chronic Maintenance in Adults and Adolescents with HIV

Table 3. Indications for Discontinuing and Restarting Opportunistic Infection Secondary Prophylaxis or Chronic Maintenance in Adults and Adolescents with HIV
Opportunistic InfectionIndication for Discontinuing Primary ProphylaxisIndication for Restarting Primary ProphylaxisIndication for Discontinuing Secondary Prophylaxis/Chronic Maintenance TherapyIndication for Restarting Secondary Prophylaxis/Chronic Maintenance
Bacterial Enteric Infections: SalmonellosisNot applicableNot applicableResolution of Salmonella infection and after response to ART with sustained viral suppression and CD4 counts >200 cells/mm3 (CII)No recommendation
BartonellosisNot applicableNot applicable
  • Received at least 3–4 months of treatment, and
  • CD4 count >200 cells/mm3 for ≥6 months (CIII)

Some specialists would only discontinue therapy if Bartonella titers have also decreased by four-fold (CIII).

No recommendation
Candidiasis (Mucocutaneous)Not applicableNot applicableIf used, reasonable to discontinue when CD4 count >200 cells/mm3 (AIII).No recommendation
CoccidioidomycosisCD4 count ≥250 cells/mm3 for ≥6 months (CIII)Restart at CD4 count <250 cells/mm3 (BIII).

Only for patients with focal coccidioidal pneumonia (AII):

  • Clinically responded to ≥12 months antifungal therapy, with CD4 count >250 cells/mm3, and receiving effective ART
  • Should continue monitoring for recurrence with serial chest radiographs and coccidioidal serology

For patients with diffuse pulmonary (BIII), disseminated non-meningeal (BIII), or meningeal diseases (AII):

  • Suppressive therapy should be continued indefinitely, even with increase in CD4 count on ART.
No recommendation
Cryptococcal MeningitisNot applicableNot applicable

If the following criteria are fulfilled (BII):

  • Completed initial (induction and consolidation) therapy, and
  • Received at least 1 year of antifungal therapy, and
  • Remain asymptomatic of cryptococcal infection, and
  • CD4 count ≥100 cells/mm3 and with suppressed plasma HIV RNA in response to ART
CD4 count <100 cells/mm3 (AIII)
Cytomegalovirus RetinitisNot applicableNot applicable
  • CMV treatment for at least 3‍ to 6 months and with CD4 count >100 cells/mm3 for >3 to 6 months in response to ART (AII)
  • Therapy should be discontinued only after consultation with an ophthalmologist, taking into account anatomic location of lesions, vision in the contralateral eye, and feasibility of regular ophthalmologic monitoring.
  • Routine (i.e., every 3 months) ophthalmologic follow-up is recommended after stopping therapy for early detection of relapse or immune restoration uveitis, and then periodically after sustained immune reconstitution (AIII).
CD4 count <100 cells/mm3 (AIII)
Histoplasma capsulatum InfectionOn ART, with CD4 count >150 cells/mm3 and undetectable HIV-1 viral load for 6 months (BIII)For patients at high risk of acquiring histoplasmosis, restart if CD4 count falls to <150 cells/mm3 (CIII).

If the following criteria (AI) are fulfilled:

  • Received azole therapy for >1 year, and
  • Negative fungal blood cultures, and
  • Serum or urine Histoplasma antigen below the level of quantification, and
  • Undetectable HIV viral load, and
  • CD4 count ≥150 cells/mm3 for ≥6 months in response to ART
CD4 count <150 cells/mm3 (BIII)
Isospora belli InfectionNot applicableNot applicableSustained increase in CD4 count to >200 cells/mm3 for >6 months in response to ART and without evidence of I. belli infection (BIII)No recommendation
Leishmaniasis: Visceral 
(and possibly cutaneous leishmaniasis in immunocompromised patients with multiple relapses)
Not applicableNot applicableIf CD4 count increases to >350 cells/mm3 and HIV viral load is suppressed for 6 months in response to ART and there is no evidence of clinical relapse of visceral leishmaniasis (CIII)No recommendation
MicrosporidiosisNot applicableNot applicableIf there are no signs or symptoms of non-ocular (BIII) or ocular (CIII) microsporidiosis and CD4 count is >200 cells/mm3 for >6 months in response to ART.No recommendation
Mycobacterium avium Complex DiseaseContinuing a fully suppressive ART regimen (AI)CD4 count <50 cells/mm3 and not on fully suppressive ART (AIII)

If the following criteria are fulfilled (AI):

  • Completed ≥12 months of therapy, and
  • No signs and symptoms of MAC disease, and
  • Have sustained (>6 months) CD4 count >100 cells/mm3 in response to ART.
If a fully suppressive ART regimen is not possible and CD4 count is consistently <100 cells/mm 3 (BIII)
Pneumocystis Pneumonia

CD4 count increased from <200 to ≥200 cells/mm3 for ≥3 months in response to ART (AI).

Can consider when CD4 count is 100‍–‍200 cells/mm3 if HIV RNA remains below limits of detection for ≥3 to 6 months (BII).

CD4 count <100 cells/mm3 regardless of HIV RNA level (AIII)

CD4 count 100‍–‍200 cells/mm3 and HIV RNA above detection limit of the assay (AIII)

CD4 count increased from <200 cells/mm3 to ≥200 cells/mm3 for ≥3 months in response to ART (AII).

Can consider when CD4 count is 100–200 cells/mm3 if HIV RNA remains below limits of detection for 3–6 months (BII).

If PCP occurs at a CD4 count >200 cells/mm3 while on ART, continue PCP prophylaxis for life, regardless of how high the CD4 cell count rises as a consequence of ART (BIII).

If PCP occurs at a CD4 count >200 cells/mm3 while not on ART, discontinuation of prophylaxis can be considered when HIV RNA levels are suppressed to below limits of detection for ≥3 to 6 months (CIII).

CD4 count <100 cells/mm3 regardless of HIV RNA level (AIII)

CD4 count 100‍–‍200 cells/mm3 and with HIV RNA above detection limit of the assay (AIII)

Talaromycosis (Penicilliosis)

CD4 count >100 cells/mm3 for >6 months in response to ART (BII)


If achieved sustained HIV viral suppression for >6 months (BIII)

CD4 count <100 cells/mm3 (BIII)—if patient is unable to have ART, or has treatment failure without access to effective ART options, and still resides in or travels to the endemic area

CD4 count >100 cells/mm3 for ≥6 months in response to ART (BII)


If achieved sustained HIV viral suppression for >6 months (BIII)

CD4 count <100 cells/mm3 (BIII)
Toxoplasma gondii Encephalitis

CD4 count increased to >200 cells/mm3 for >3 months and sustained HIV RNA below limits of detection in response to ART (AI)

Can consider when CD4 count is 100‍–‍200 cells/mm3 if HIV RNA remains below limits of detection for at least 3–6 months (BII)

CD4 count <100 cells/mm3 (AIII)

CD4 count 100‍–‍200 cells/mm3 and with HIV RNA above detection limit of the assay (AIII)

If the following criteria are fulfilled (BI):

  • Successfully completed initial therapy,
  • Receiving maintenance therapy and remaining free of signs and symptoms of TE, and
  • CD4 count >200 cells/mm3 for >6 months in response to ART
CD4 count <200 cells/mm3 (AIII)
For information regarding the evidence ratings, refer to the Rating System for Prevention and Treatment Recommendations in the Introduction section of the Adult and Adolescent Antiretroviral Guidelines.

Key: ART = antiretroviral therapy; CD4 = CD4 T lymphocyte; CMV = cytomegalovirus; MAC = Mycobacterium avium complex; PCP = Pneumocystis pneumonia; TE = Toxoplasma encephalitis

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