Clinicalinfo Releases Two New HIV-Related Drug Summaries: Lenacapavir and Vemlidy


Source Clinicalinfo

Two new HIV-related drug summaries are now available on Clinicalinfo: the investigational drug lenacapavir and the opportunistic infection drug Vemlidy.

  • Lenacapavir is being studied to treat HIV infection and is currently in Phase 2/3 development. It is a capsid inhibitor and works to disrupt the HIV capsid during multiple stages of the HIV life cycle. Research suggests that lenacapavir may work against drug-resistant strains of HIV. For more information about lenacapavir, see the patient and health professional drug summaries.
  • Vemlidy is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of hepatitis B virus infection in adults. Vemlidy can be used along with other medicines to treat people with HIV/HBV coinfection. The active ingredient in Vemlidy, tenofovir alafenamide, is a component of several FDA-approved HIV medicines.

To learn more about investigational HIV medicines or opportunistic infections, check out these HIVinfo fact sheets: What is an Investigational HIV Drug? and What is an Opportunistic Infection?