Table B. Raltegravir Pharmacokinetic Parameters for Raltegravir-Naive and Raltegravir-Exposed Neonates

Table B. Raltegravir Pharmacokinetic Parameters for Raltegravir-Naive and Raltegravir-Exposed Neonates
PK Parameter

Initial Dose:

RAL 1.5 mg/kg
Once Daily

(n = 25)d

Initial Dose:

RAL 1.5 mg/kg
Once Daily

(n = 10)

Days 15–18:

RAL 3.0 mg/kg
Twice Daily

(n = 24)e

Days 15–18:


RAL 3.0 mg/kg
Twice Daily

(n = 10)f

GM (CV%) GM (CV%) GM (CV%) GM (CV%)
AUC0–24h (mg·h/L)a 38.2 (42.0%) 42.9 (25.3%) _ _
AUC0–12h (mg·h/L) _ _ 14.3 (49.5%) 18.3 (62.8%)
Ctrough(ng/mL)b 948 (84.0%) 946 (74.0%) 176 (162.1%) 274 (176.4%)
Cmax (ng/mL)c 2,350 (36.5%) 2,565 (23.1%) 2,849 (47.5%) 3,667 (46.3%)
Tmax (hours) 5.4 (71.5%) 3.8 (88.8%) 2.3 (77.1%) 1.9 (52.3%)
T1/2 (hours) 15.8 (101.4%) 14.4 (69.5%) 2.5 (34.1%) 2.9 (20.7%)
a AUC targets: AUC0–24h 12–40 mg·h/L and AUC0–12h 6–20 mg·h/L.

b Ctrough concentration >33 ng/mL. For initial dose, Clast collected at 24 hours was used. For Days 15–18, C12h was estimated when the 12 hours post-dose sample was collected earlier than 12 hours after dosing (the protocol specified a sample collection time of 8–12 hours post dose).

c Cmax <8,724 ng/mL

d AUC0–24h could not be estimated for one infant.

e AUC0–12h and Ctrough could not be estimated for one infant with delayed absorption.

f AUC0–12h and Cmax could not be estimated for one infant with incomplete sample collection.

